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Undergraduate Mentor: Research

Undergraduate researchers play a valuable role in the life of our laboratory. In addition to the vital roles as research assistance, there are often honors and senior thesis opportunities. I believe it is important to treat undergraduate research as a time for foundational growth and approach this as a mentorship opportunity. In return, we hold high expectations of all lab members. If you are interested in applying, please read the following statement and follow all instructions in the application.


Undergraduate research experience is important for future scientists and doctors alike. There are limited openings. While students may submit applications at any time, applications are usually reviewed in the spring semester and students accepted at the end of the spring term. Exceptions are reviewed throughout the year on a case by case basis.


Before applying, please read the Mission Goals, and Values statement. We expect students to devote 20 hours per week during the summer intersession while in training. I require 10 hours per week during the school year, with the expectation that the tasks at hand may require more. While work hours are very flexible to accommodate school and work schedules, it is not uncommon for students to need to come in to work on the weekends.

Undergraduate Mentor: Services


Thanks for your interest in my research. Get in touch with any questions or comments regarding my work, Electric Fish Roadshow, or for applying to the Markham lab. I’d love to hear from you.

730 Van Vleet Oval
410 Richards Hall
Norman, OK 73019


Thanks for submitting!

Undergraduate Mentor: Contact
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